The Incredible Benefits of Installing an HVAC UV Light

Studies have revealed that installing an HVAC UV light can be incredibly advantageous for improving indoor air quality. One research study found that UV lights could reduce the amount of mold and bacteria in a test home by an impressive 97%, while another study showed that air purifiers with UV light could reduce the amount of airborne flu virus by a remarkable 90%. UV lights sterilize and minimize the effects of mold, mildew, and bacteria, making them an effective means of improving indoor air quality. Installing one to your air conditioning system can even prevent things like the common cold from circulating around your home.

Adding a UV light to your air conditioning system can also help clean the system and eliminate build-up in ducts, pipes, and cooling coils. This increase in efficiency translates into a reduction in energy costs and also means that your system could require less maintenance in the long term. UV lights also disinfect air as it circulates through ducts, eliminating harmful bacteria, mold, mildew, and other airborne contaminants. We recommend installing a UV light system designed to disinfect the air in the return air duct of your air controller.

Mounting UV lights to all ducts in the system will require more work and is not recommended. It is important to note that UVC radiation doesn't interact with circulating air for long, so it is not recommended to rely on UV lights to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Additionally, never look directly at a UV lamp; even brief exposure to UV light can cause permanent eye damage. In conclusion, installing an HVAC UV light can be highly beneficial for improving indoor air quality. It can reduce the amount of mold and bacteria in a home by 97%, reduce airborne flu virus by 90%, clean the system and eliminate build-up in ducts, pipes, and cooling coils, and disinfect air as it circulates through ducts.